Agenda 2021
Subject to change.
All sessions are shown in Eastern Time.
November 10, 2021
9:45 am – 9:55 am
Welcome & Opening Remarks
9:55 am – 10:45 am
The Ultimate Calendar of Marketing Events
This session will share several thought-provoking tools and resources collected from some of the very best financial professional teams in the country. It will cover three sample marketing calendars to help you create a visual road map for your own marketing plan. It will also highlight ideas to quantify costs, activities and the number of clients touched. Lastly, it will also discuss impactful event ideas to help put you in front of clients every month of the year. This presentation is fast paced, and full of ideas. Get your writing hand ready!
Keynote Speaker:
Susan Kay – MFS Investment Management, Conference Co-Chair

10:50 am – 11:40 am
Breakout Session I
A: How to Enhance Clients’ Social Security Benefits
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
Social Security continues to be a critical component of retirement income for many Americans and is often seen as the foundation to retirement income strategies. It is important for financial professionals to understand as much as possible about Social Security benefits in order to help their clients assess their situation, enhance their benefits, and create strategies to avoid any potential retirement income shortfalls.
Aimee Johnson – Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America

B: Women’s Empowerment In the Age of Covid
This session addresses key trends impacting women and their financial independence. Specifically, it will explore the impact that Covid has had on employment issues and the track to gender parity. Heather and Laura will offer real life examples of challenges and opportunities that women are facing and provide actionable ideas to help us empower ourselves and the women we serve.
Heather Ettinger – Luma Wealth Advisors
Laura Gregg – FlexShares Exchange Traded Funds

11:45 am – 12:15 pm
Breakout Session II
A: Effectively Communicating Your POV on ESG
Get the guidance you need on how to position your firm’s approach to sustainable investing and ESG – and how to communicate it to your clients.
Carin Stimolo – Fidelity ESG Pro

B: Embedded Finance: The Next Digital Disruption
Discover what “embedded finance” is and how advisors can help clients use it to meet their savings and investing goals.
Imagine returning an item to Amazon and being asked whether you want your refund issued to your credit card or deposited into your investment account. This process, known as “embedded finance,” has created an innovative new way to save and invest, and it is set to become the next financial services industry disruption. Find out:
- How embedded finance works and how it can help your clients meet their savings goals
- How to combine embedded finance with traditional ways to save and invest
- Why it’s important for advisors to have aggregated views of their clients’ finances
Dani Fava – Envestnet

12:15 pm – 12:30 pm
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Breakout Session III
A: Attracting the next generation of clients through ESG investing
Responsible investing has become an attractive choice for investors who seek a personal, values-based connection to their investments. Join Angie O’Leary, Head of Wealth Planning, and her guest as they discuss how ESG can meet the needs of women investors – and how it can also help advisors bridge the generational gap by engaging the next gen of clients in planning and legacy conversations. Angie will also introduce RBC’s new ESG workbook, a resource designed to help investors get started with responsible investing.
Catherine Chen – RBC Wealth Management
Angie O’Leary – RBC Wealth Management-U.S.

B: Building a Modern Advisory Business
Focusing on your core competencies and outsourcing everything else is one of the keys to building a modern and competitive advisory practice. Join Jen Gloss from AssetMark and Hannah Buschbom from the W Source to learn about how to focus on key revenue generating activities that drive real results.
Hannah Buschbom – W Source
Jen Gloss – Assetmark

1:05 pm – 1:55 pm
Breakout Session IV
A: The Financial Impact of Diversity
Diversity is a good thing to embrace from an ethical standpoint as well as an economic one. Yet while evidence of the business case for diversity continues to mount, so do the pandemic’s flattening effects on women in the workplace. In this session, panelists Kelly Baldoni and Samantha Palm will discuss new research findings that bolster the case for more diversity in business, including the link between board/executive diversity and company performance; how diversity bolsters corporate resilience and why now is a critical time to build it; the consequences for companies not employing diverse talent; and the positive environmental impacts of more diversity. They will also explore the positive ways companies are making changes to support women, and how investors can help.
Heidi Ridley – RadiantESG
Kelly Baldoni – IMPAX Asset Management LLC
Samantha Palm – Parnassus Fixed Income Fund

B: Legacy Essentials: Strategies for Helping your clients prepare
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
One thing every financial professional has in common is an aging client base. Aging can lead to enormous challenges for clients, their families, and the financial professionals who serve them. Helping clients prepare for these challenges through a combination of empathetic communication skills and sound financial planning strategies presents an opportunity for you to deepen your relationships with your clients and their families. Join us as we explore your role in helping your clients age with dignity and grace.
Cathie Cobe – Nationwide

1:55 pm – 2:05 pm
2:05 pm – 2:35 pm
Breakout Session V
A: Retiring with Resiliency: How to bridge the Retirement Gender Gap
More than half the private wealth in the U.S. is controlled by women and the majority (90%) have a primary or shared responsibility for financial decisions in the family. Despite these facts, there remains a gap in how women view and manage money and plan for retirement. This important discussion will explore ways to bridge the retirement gender gap and provide resources to help financial professionals elevate their relationships with your female clientele. Topics will include financial education, the sequence of “concerns” that includes market volatility, life expectancy and inflation, and tips to help financial professionals be the catalyst of change in their practices. Lastly, the session will feature a review of the impact all this information can have on a retirement account, and the solutions available to protect clients’ well-earned departure from the working world. This session by Jackson will help financial professionals attract and retain female clients and prepare them for the retirement they want.
Kristen Billows – Jackson National Life Distributors LLC

B: Using Technology to Grow and Scale Your Practice
During this discussion, three successful advisors will break down how they and their teams are using technology to focus their positioning, grow revenues and operate a scalable practice.
Specifically, they will discuss:
- What tech solutions they rely on to grow (business development and marketing offerings) and scale (efficiencies/savings) their practices
- Why digital marketing is an essential component in growing your practice and what tools are a MUST have
- How technology can assist advisors in providing specialized services such as tax and estate planning to their clients at scale
- What tools can enable advisors to better establish their value proposition with clients
Suzanne Siracuse – Suzanne Siracuse Consulting, LLC
Amanda Piper – Wagener-Lee Wealth Advisors
Jill Hollander – Financial Connections Group, Incorporated
Andrew Altfest – Altfest Personal Wealth Management, Founder FP Alpha

2:40 pm – 3:40 pm
Closing General Session
Create the #1 Revenue Generating Tool in your Business: Your Signature Talk!
In this Session, Pat Quinn teaches you the key ingredients to create the #1 Revenue Generating tool in your business: A High-Converting Signature Talk that inspires people to go deeper with you and your products and services. You are one Great Talk away from seeing your business grow significantly. In this session, you will get our step-by-step “High-Converting Talk” recipe that you can implement immediately. It works universally for Online Stages (webinars, summits, podcasts) and Offline Stages (Your own Stages, Keynotes, breakouts).
Everyone who attends will receive a Powerful Gift: The Story Braid Framework: 4-Part Framework of a High-Converting Signature Talk
Learning Objectives for this Session:
- Learn the Story Braid Formula. The 4-Part Framework for a High-Converting Signature Talk (simple & easy to use!)
- The secret to having people go deeper with your offerings without pressuring them or feeling salesy
- The #1 thing you can do in every talk to see 80% of people opt in!
- How to Overcome the Fear of Speaking (note: this is the #1 fear in the world, even over death!)
- Our bold promise: Outline your #1 Asset: Your Signature Talk (yes, you’ll get this done)
Pat Quinn – Advance Your Reach

3:45 pm – 4:50 pm
Virtual Happy Hour with Hosted Round Table Discussions
Join us for one of these 30-minute sessions hosted via Zoom. For the best experience for all we ask that you have video and audio enabled when you enter the Zoom meeting. Limited attendees will be admitted to the room at one time. Those who would only like to watch the discussion, can do so right in the presentation room on the Virtual Platform without joining the Zoom meeting-as you would with any other workshop in this event.
Instructions on How to Participate:
- Five minutes prior to the start of the session, the presentation room will open.
- Please click on the “Join Discussion” button just above the live chat to gain access to the Zoom meeting.
- You will be placed in a waiting room and will be admitted when a spot becomes available.
- Feel free to continue watching the presentation from the Virtual Platform while waiting to be admitted.
- Upon admittance to the Zoom room, be sure to mute your Virtual Platform video player as to not hear an echo.
3:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Roundtable Discussion: Effective Use of Social Media
Join us for a roundtable discussion on effective use of social media where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Tina Powell – C-Suite Social Media
3:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Roundtable Discussion: Digital Marketing
Join us for a roundtable discussion on digital marketing where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Abby Salameh – Salameh Consulting
4:20 pm – 4:50 pm
Roundtable Discussion: Honest Conversations: During This Past 18 Months, Women Have Been Especially Hard Hit with Burnout at an All-Time High…How Are We All Doing?
Join us for a roundtable discussion about honest conversations and the past 18 months where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Jocelyn Wright – PF Wealth Management Group
4:20 pm – 4:50 pm
Business Strategies for Advisors Getting Started
Join us for a roundtable discussion on business strategies for advisors getting started where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Vanessa Martinez – The Lerner Group at Hightower Advisors
November 11, 2021
9:55 am – 10:00 am
Welcome & Opening Remarks
10:00 am – 10:45 am
The Four Pillars of the New Retirement: What a Difference a Year Makes
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
Retirement is being transformed by a number of powerful converging forces: rising longevity, the aging of the massive Boomer generation, growing health and wealth inequities across race and gender, the empowerment of women, an alarming absence of financial preparation by Americans and, of course, the effect of the world-changing COVID-19 pandemic.
Drawing from the cutting-edge insights and research findings from the most recent thought leadership study, The Four Pillars of the New Retirement conducted in a partnership between Edward Jones, Age Wave, and The Harris Poll, Maddy Dychtwald, co-founder of Age Wave, will explore the dynamics of a reinvented third age and how to live well in the new retirement.
- What are the four pillars of the new retirement?
- What are the hopes, dreams, and fears of individuals, their families, and our communities? Is it different for women than men?
- How have women been impacted by the pandemic in terms of planning for retirement?
- What is the gender wage gap over the span of a career?
- What are the biggest struggles and the silver lining of the pandemic?
- How can financial advisors help Americans plan holistically for the new retirement?
Keynote Speaker:
Maddy Dychtwald – Age Wave

10:50 am – 11:40 am
Breakout Session VI
A: Attracting and Retaining Diverse Talent
Over the past decade, there has been a seismic shift in the demographics of the advisor community. This change is partly attributable to the migration of advisors from wirehouses to independents and RIAs. But it also reflects of the increasing importance of women and minorities in the financial services business—both as clients and as industry executives. In this session, our experts will share some imaginative and successful approaches they have used to attract and retain diverse talent to their firms and discuss how they see the nature of business changing.
Rene Nourse – Urban Wealth Management
Renee Baker – Raymond James
Chantalle Couba – Cetera

B: Grey Divorce and Re-partnering: what you need to know now!
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
What you don’t know about helping with your client from post-divorce to re-partnering. Join our discussion on financial considerations post-divorce and repartnering options. Take away tools to help in your practice.
Kimberly Foss – Empyrion Wealth Management
Carol Lee Roberts – IDFA
Catherine Seeber – CAPTRUST

11:45 am – 12:15 pm
Breakout Session VII
A: The Science of Investor Decision-Making
By the end of this session, you will gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between psychology and finance, which will illuminate why investors make the decisions they do. You will learn the skills and techniques to better serve you and your clients as you navigate investment decisions.
Lara Coviello – Brinker Capital Investments

B: The “Secret Sauce” to Closing High Net Worth Prospects in The First Meeting
The first fifteen minutes of an advisor’s meeting or Zoom call with a prospect will determine if they end up with a new client in the first meeting. Everything has to be pre-calculated and nothing left to chance. In this game-changing session, after sitting across from thousands of prospects & figuring out what really works, Erin perfected a successful system. She will share her closing “Secret Sauce” and discuss:
- The art of using “Disturbing Tracts” – non-investment language to point out discrepancies in a prospect’s financial situation that quickly converts the prospect into a client and raving fan
- The important steps in “setting the stage” like the Meet, Greet & Seat System (Hint: always seat the woman at the head of the table)
- Why you should NEVER use a “Pitch Deck” and NEVER lead with Investments or Insurance products
- How to share your personal story in the best, most efficient way to build rapid rapport
- And identify which of the ‘22 disturbing tracts’ works best to move them into action and when to use them
Erin Botsford – The Advisor Authority
12:15 pm – 12:20 pm
12:20 pm – 1:25 pm
Virtual Lunch with Hosted Round Table Discussions
Join us for one of these 30-minute sessions hosted via Zoom. For the best experience for all we ask that you have video and audio enabled when you enter the Zoom meeting. Limited attendees will be admitted to the room at one time. Those who would only like to watch the discussion, can do so right in the presentation room on the Virtual Platform without joining the Zoom meeting-as you would with any other workshop in this event.
Instructions on How to Participate:
- Five minutes prior to the start of the session, the presentation room will open.
- Please click on the “Join Discussion” button just above the live chat to gain access to the Zoom meeting.
- You will be placed in a waiting room and will be admitted when a spot becomes available.
- Feel free to continue watching the presentation from the Virtual Platform while waiting to be admitted.
- Upon admittance to the Zoom room, be sure to mute your Virtual Platform video player as to not hear an echo.
12:20 pm – 12:50 pm
Roundtable Discussion: Hiring and Retaining Top Talent
Join us for a roundtable discussion on hiring and retaining top talent where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Leslie Tabor – Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
12:20 pm – 12:50 pm
Roundtable Discussion: Top Tips – Looking for a Mentor
Join us for a roundtable discussion about top tips on looking for a mentor where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Renee Baker – Raymond James
12:55 pm – 1:25 pm
Roundtable Discussion: Tips for Selling Your Practice
Join us for a roundtable discussion on tips for selling your practice where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Kay Lynn Mayhue – Merit Financial Advisors
12:55 pm – 1:25 pm
Roundtable Discussion: Balancing Act – How to Balance Work and Life
Join us for a roundtable discussion on balancing act – how to balance work and life where you can interact directly with your host and fellow audience members.
Anna N’Jie-Konte – Dare to Dream Financial Planning
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Breakout Session VIII
A: Growth Strategies Proven to Work
Achieving scalable and sustainable organic growth is never easy—especially during a pandemic. Learn practical foundations for building growth strategies and tactical, repeatable steps to incorporate into your marketing and business development endeavors. Case studies will be shared.
Theresa Gralinski – Hightower
Jennifer Anderson – Hightower
Lauren Pearson – Hightower
B: Tips for Upgrading Your Digital Marketing
Join us for a lively conversation with Suzanne Siracuse, CEO, Suzanne Siracuse Consulting Services, Samantha Russell, FMG Suite Chief Evangelist and Susan Theder, Chief Marketing and Experience Officer as they discuss marketing strategies and tactics they see working best for advisors ranging from social media and websites to public relations and SEO.
Suzanne Siracuse – Suzanne Siracuse Consulting, LLC
Samantha Russell – FMG Suite
Susan Theder – FMG Suite

2:05 pm – 2:55 pm
Breakout Session IX
A: The Advisor M&A Boom From The Perspective Of Buyers And Sellers
There has been much activity over the last several years around mergers and acquisitions of financial planning firms. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, you need to be prepared and understand the pros and cons of both options.
In this session, three panelists with extensive experience doing deals will discuss the financial and emotional aspects of entering into transactions, including branding, continued employment for principals and employees and sellers’ role in managing the combined business. What’s negotiable and what are the non-negotiables? Find out at this compelling session.
Evan Simonoff – Financial Advisor Magazine
Kay Lynn Mayhue – Merit Financial Advisors
Junette McCarthy – McCarthy Wealth Management
Christeen Reeg – CAPTRUST

B: Serving Female Clients: Effective strategies to ensuring a secure retirement
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
This session will focus on best practices advisors can use to provide value and practical advice to their female clients as they plan their retirement income strategy. Our panelists will provide and discuss real life examples and use cases addressing everything from asset titling and social security to taxes and appropriate investment solutions.
Suzanne Siracuse – Suzanne Siracuse Consulting, LLC
Pui Kalyanamitra – Transamerica
Ryan Bertrand – Transamerica

2:55 pm – 3:00 pm
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Breakout Session X
A: 3 Meaningful Holiday Gifts That are 100% Tax Deductible! (for you and your clients)
We have a few secrets on how you can make your personal and professional holiday gifting 100% tax deductible! All FINRA compliant. These gifts can help support your ESG and CSR mandates and emotionally engage your clients. Give gifts of love and care, not stuff.
Tracey Longo – Financial Advisor Magazine
Nicole Donnelly – TisBest

B: Modern Social Security Claiming Strategies for Women
Traditional Social Security claiming strategies rely on outdated assumptions for education, wealth, and income levels for women. Instead, financial professionals must look at revising these strategies as educational attainment and labor force participation for women increase.
This session discusses today’s demographic changes, looks at how longevity risk for women is impacted, and outlines strategies for claiming to maximize the expected value of the Social Security benefit while minimizing longevity risk. Discussion also includes the impact of Social Security benefits within a comprehensive estate plan.
Dr. Sofia Duffy – The American College of Financial Services
3:35 pm – 4:25 pm
Think Up: How to Fearlessly Build a High Growth, High Profit, High Happiness Advisory Firm
Fearless advisors grow 2-3x faster, earn 2-3x more, and have ample time and freedom to enjoy their success. Success leaves clues, and Stephanie will share the mastery model she uses to create radical results that help you turn your fear into fuel that shifts your thinking, boosts your productivity, deepens your value, and accelerates your success to build a wildly successful business and life that you love.
Keynote Speaker:
Stephanie Bogan – Limitless Advisor Coaching