Agenda 2021
All times are in Eastern Time | Agenda is subject to change
June 16, 2021
10:20 am – 10:30 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Steve Gresham – CEO, The Execution Project
Gary Holland – CEO, Financial Advisor Magazine
10:30 am – 11:00 am
What Retirees Want: Engaging Better with the Most Valuable Clients in History
Ken Dychtwald is the leading authority and champion of the baby boomer Age Wave – a term he coined more than 30 years ago. The author of 17 books including new releases, What Retirees Want and Radical Curiosity, provides practical insights about the most valuable clients in history. No one has a better view of the opportunities ahead for advisors and how to better engage with clients and their families.
Ken Dychtwald – Bestselling Author; Founder and CEO, Age Wave
11:05 am – 11:55 am
Breakout Session I
A: Leadership of Retirement: Technology – and People
The complexity of retirement solutions requires new perspectives about leadership. How do senior industry leaders blend technology into current solutions, support retirement strategies, engage their employees and teams – and provide a diverse and inclusive workplace? Four industry stars with very different roles offer their insights.
Steve Gresham – CEO, The Execution Project
Sangeeta Moorjani – Head of WI Employer Experience & Retirement Solutions, Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA
Nalika Nanayakkara – Head of Wealth and Asset Management Consulting, EY
Kristi Rodriguez – Senior Vice President, Nationwide Retirement Institute®
Evamarie Schoenborn – President & CEO, Northwestern Mutual

B: Study Group: Better Integration and Adoption of Digital Tools
Adoption is the new innovation. Unlock the power of capabilities you already own and experience the benefits of digital tools for better client service, keeping track of myriad retirement details and improving communications. Join the team to discuss best practices of adoption.
Ben Huneke – Managing Director and Head of the Investments Solutions Group of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Gary Carrai – Executive Vice President, LPL Financial
Heather Kelly – Senior Vice President of Advisory Solutions and Strategic Accounts, Allianz Life®
Jud Mackrill – CEO & Co-founder, MileMarker
Christina Townsend – Managing Director, Advisor Solutions, BNY Mellon | Pershing

12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
General Session
The Well-Tempered Retiree: Fine-Tuning Investor Behaviors in Retirement
Investors transitioning to retirement face a decumulation dilemma: Uncertainty surrounding health, longevity, and market risks makes financial planning for retirement incredibly complex and anxiety-inducing. Importantly, the challenges that block investors from optimal decision making and attaining their goals are often linked to errors in human behavior. Using evidence from our recent behavioral science study, Part 1 of this session will cover what we have learned about mitigating negative influences from overconfidence and loss aversion biases. Part 2 will cover some of the “supposedly irrelevant factors” that, although largely ignored by economic models of retirement income, had a strong influence on investor’s decision making.
Dr. Jennifer Gongola, Ph.D. – Behavioral Science Research Manager, PIMCO
Dr. Avi Sharon, Ph.D. – Executive Vice President, Product Strategist, PIMCO

12:35 pm – 1:05 pm
A View of Retirement Income from the C-Suite
The world of annuities is changing. Consumer demand is rising, interest rates have been falling and more advisors are considering the products. What’s in store for the industry according to the incoming CEO of a significant company – and the distribution chief. Get the view from the top!
Jasmine Jirele – Chief Growth Officer/Incoming President and CEO of Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America
Corey Walther – President of Allianz Life Financial Services, LLC
1:10 pm – 1:40 pm
Breakout Session II
A: The Future of Retirement and the Role of the CFP
The longtime CEO of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards talks with Next Chapter member and CFP® Standards Board Chair, Kevin Ruth about how CFPB is supporting retirement and the view forward for the profession.
Kevin Ruth – Founder, Finance411
Kevin Keller – CEO, CFP Board
B: Beyond Monte Carlo: The Income Planning Clients Really Want
While accumulation planning is relatively straightforward, income planning is unpredictable and complex. We know losses sting more both financially and psychologically for retirees, but how are we having these conversations with them? How can we challenge the method in which we’re used to talking about these complex discussions with clients? In this session we will discuss ideas to help adapt conversations and identify alternative strategies to help build safer, simpler, and more-personalized retirement-income portfolios for investors and help you create a brand of original thinking.
Heather Kelly – Senior Vice President of Advisory Solutions and Strategic Accounts, Allianz Life®
Todd Petit – Assistant Vice President for Advanced and Specialty Markets, Allianz

1:45 pm – 2:15 pm
Peak 65 – Demography Meets Policy and Retirement Preparedness
Dr. Fichtner combines academic insights with public policy priorities as he shares his perspective on retirement from Washington, D.C. Formerly also the deputy commissioner for Social Security, he is the author of a new white paper, Peak 65 and is leading new work on behalf of retirees in conjunction with the Alliance for Lifetime Income.
Jason Fichtner, Ph.D. – Chief Economist, The Bipartisan Policy Center and Head of the Retirement Income Institute
2:20 pm – 3:10 pm
Breakout Session III
A: Study Group: Financial Wellness and Longevity Planning
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
What is “financial wellness” and why is it the True North for retirement? The Study Group is working on defining and organizing “financial wellness” for advisors and clients.
Frank McAleer – Senior Vice President, Wealth Planning, Global Wealth Solutions, Raymond James
Nalika Nanayakkara – Head of Wealth and Asset Management Consulting, EY
Kristi Rodriguez – Senior Vice President, Nationwide Retirement Institute®
Kevin Ruth – Founder, Finance411

B: The Family Conversation: Opportunities to Protect Aging Clients and YOU
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
Based on a new white paper presented at the 2021 annual meeting of the American Society of Aging, a team of top thought leaders shares how advisors and their firms can more safely engage with older clients and their families to help protect both the clients and the advisors.
Elizabeth Koehler – Managing Director, Head of BlackRock Advisor Insights
Chris Heye – CEO and Founder of Whealthcare Solutions, Inc.
Elizabeth Loewy – Co-Founder and COO, EverSafe
Katharine Wade – Principal, Dunraven Strategies
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Breakout Session IV
A: The New Advisor for Life: Rethinking Your Compelling Story of Value
The shift to retirement advice requires you to rethink the story of the value that you and your team can provide to your clients. You have successfully helped them to get to their retirement. Are you now properly helping them through their retirement? The issues of aging and new research on longevity should challenge your thinking and make you rethink your value proposition. Is it truly unique as you assist your clients through the next chapter of their lives?
Leo Pusateri – President, CEO, Pusateri Consulting and Training
B: Why People Fail in Retirement
Divorce and second homes are two of the major causes that wreck clients’ retirement. Find out what the other five causes are from longtime advisor Greg Sullivan, author of “Retirement Fail.”
Evan Simonoff – Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Director, Financial Advisor Magazine
Greg Sullivan – Principal, Co-CEO, SBSB Financial Advisors
3:50 pm – 4:40 pm
Breakout Session V
A: The Role of Annuities in Retirement Income Portfolios
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
Today, with interest rates trending near zero and retirements extending, risk has crept into retirement portfolios as advisors seek yield from total return strategies. Now is a good time to evaluate your approach to meeting your clients’ retirement income needs and consider how to address current retirement planning challenges with commission-free annuity strategies; how to identify clients who could benefit from an annuity as a fixed income allocation in a total return portfolio; and how an annuity can generate efficient income and eliminate the manual task of strategic rebalancing to create cash for income.
David Lau – Founder & CEO, DPL Financial Partners
David Blanchett – Managing Director, Head of Retirement Research, DC Solutions at QMA
Bryan Montemurro – Financial Planner, Two West
B: The Authentic Retirement Consultant
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
The #1 practice management ask from financial advisors working with retirement planning clients is for examples and coaching about having effective client conversations. Proficiency in the craft requires the combination of proactive timing, conversational competency, and insights in behavioral finance. Join four leading authorities as they share their insights in these areas based on research, study, and first-hand experience.
Phil Buchanan – Executive Chairman, Cannon Financial Institute
Clark Brown – Subject Matter Expert in Behavioral Finance, Coaching, and Practicing Advisor, Cannon Financial Institute
Larry Divers – Subject Matter Expert in Retirement Plan Administration and Planning Services, Cannon Financial Institute
Linda Eaton – Subject Matter Expert in Behavioral Finance, Coaching and Client Engagement, Cannon Financial Institute
4:45 pm – 5:15 pm
The Future of Financial Advice is Digital and Human
Head of the retail investing division of Fidelity, responsible for $4 trillion in client assets, more than 20 million brokerage accounts and 20,000 employees, Kathy Murphy led Fidelity to extraordinary growth and broke new ground for the industry along the way. Hear her story of success, lessons learned and hurdles she overcame on the way to becoming one of Fortune Magazine’s Top 50 Women in Business.
Kathy Murphy – President, Personal Investing, Fidelity Investments

5:15 pm
End of Day 1
June 17, 2021
9:30 am – 9:35 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Steve Gresham – CEO, The Execution Project
Gary Holland – CEO, Financial Advisor Magazine
Craig Pfeiffer – CEO, The Money Management Institute
9:35 am – 10:05 am
Retirement, Advisors and What’s Important: A Conversation
This sage industry leader and former CEO of Pershing Advisor Solutions shares his perspective from the high ground of his own next chapter, what is passionate about and what he sees for the future.
Mark Tibergien – Principal, Mark Tibergien Insights LLC
10:10 am – 11:00 am
Breakout Session VI
A: Winning Wealth Management Clients with an Institutional Investment Strategy
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
There is an undeniable secular crisis facing America: effective retirement management in a changing investment landscape. The combination of behavioral biases, the transfer of retirement risk from corporations to individuals, and increasing longevity have created a perfect storm for retirees. The discussion will cover the incorporation of an institutional asset liability framework to improve outcomes when working with private wealth clients including modeling, hedging techniques and a behavioral service model.
Gavin Spitzner – President, Wealth Consulting Partners, LLC
Shane Morrow – Partner & CIO, IronBridge Wealth Counsel, LLC
James Martin – Partner & Senior Wealth Advisor, IronBridge Wealth Counsel, LLC
Andrea Sheikh – Wealth Management Specialist, IronBridge Wealth Counsel, LLC
B: Study Group: Family Financial Management
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
Managing for retirement is a family affair. Consider the potential to engage three generations – or more – across an array of accounts, risks and taxes. How do you do it – and do it well?
John Moninger – Managing Director of Retail Sales, Eaton Vance
Angie O’Leary – Head of Wealth Planning, RBC Wealth Management
Phil Pellegrino – Executive Director, Head of Insured Solutions, UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Jack Sharry – Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, LifeYield, LLC
11:05 pm – 11:55 pm
General Session
The Economic and Market Outlook for the Post-Pandemic Environment
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
What now??!! Two leading market watchers bring their expert perspective and talk about stocks, bonds, interest rates and the impact of a new administration. Interesting times!
Evan Simonoff – Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Director, Financial Advisor Magazine
Dr. David Kelly – Chief Global Strategist, J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Philip Orlando – Chief Equity Market Strategist, Head of Client Portfolio Management, Senior Vice President, Federated Hermes
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Retirement Income: Top of Mind for Today’s Clients
The leader of all retirement efforts at the world’s largest investment manager, and on top of Barron’s list of Top 100 Women in Finance, Anne shares her view of retirement from on top of the asset management business.
Anne Ackerley – Managing Director, Head of BlackRock’s Retirement Group
12:35 pm – 1:05 pm
Breakout Session VII
A: CEOs on the Future of Diversity and Inclusion
Hear from industry leaders about this important topic – where we are, where we are going, how can you apply the principles of diversity and inclusion to your organization and to your life.
Cheryl Nash – CEO, InvestCloud Financial Supermarket Division
Chris Perry – President, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.
B: The Future of Client-Advisor Relationships
The value of advice, as experienced by clients planning for financial security and retirement, is evolving rapidly. Even in a high-tech world, people want someone to talk to about the many topics that are important to them, including health, where they will live, family needs and fraud prevention. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab and AIG Life & Retirement conducted trailblazing research to learn more what is important to clients and how advisors can deepen their relationships through broader conversations.
Join Dr. Joe Coughlin, Director of MIT AgeLab, and Terri Fiedler, President & CEO, AIG Financial Distributors, as they discuss the learnings from the study and how a broad, holistic approach to client relationships increases their trust and satisfaction in their financial professional.
Joe Coughlin – Director of MIT AgeLab
Terri Fiedler – President & CEO, AIG Financial Distributors

1:10 pm – 1:40 pm
Consumerism, Customization, Technology – And Retirement! Other industries offer insight into the needed customization of advice
A veteran of enterprise technology with a global perspective, Simon contrasts the use of technology in other consumer industries and has a challenge for the retirement advice business based on consumer preferences.
Simon Mulcahy – Executive Vice President & Chief Innovation Officer of Salesforce
1:45 pm – 2:15 pm
Breakout Session VIII
A: Your Next Big Project is YOU!
You are finally at a point in your career where you have a lot, you have made a lot and you are wondering about the next 5-25 years in your life.
You have positively impacted the lives of your clients. You have made a difference in their lives and their families. It’s now time to think about yourself, your family and your future.
Are you living a life of significance? Living a life with no regrets, a life filled with abundance, gratitude and perspective. Are you doing everything to be your best and to not just think about your legacy but to make sure you are truly living it now.
Steve Gresham – CEO, The Execution Project
Leo Pusateri – President, CEO, Pusateri Consulting and Training
B: Client Digital Engagement Trends in Financial Planning
Today, financial planning has taken its rightful spot as the centerpiece of wealth management. This session will explore the technology trends helping advisors deliver an efficient, scalable digital planning experience that can help drive new AUM with prospects and clients alike. We will uncover planning technology and solutions designed to meet the consumer demand for an intelligently connected financial life.
Tony Leal – President, Envestnet | MoneyGuide

2:20 pm – 3:10 pm
Ed Slott’s Midyear Outlook: Top IRA Pitfalls & Planning Opportunities
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
IRA Expert, Ed Slott will review the latest IRA planning tactics, including 2021 Roth conversion opportunities, SECURE Act 2.0 proposed IRA tax changes, and planning ideas based around pending tax legislation, capital gains taxes, higher tax rates and RMD changes. In addition, advisors will be alerted to new IRA tax traps, especially with inherited IRAs, spousal IRAs and rollovers from plans, as well as how to address post-SECURE Act estate planning, IRA trust strategies, and other planning moves to address with clients now, for the second half of 2021.
Evan Simonoff – Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Director, Financial Advisor Magazine
Ed Slott – President, Ed Slott And Company LLC
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Breakout Session IX
A: Creating Retirement Income – Dividends, Bonds, Annuities
Retirement income investing is no longer simple. Historically low interest rates have clients and their advisors scrambling for yield. Three perspectives from three industry experts about how to help clients fund retirement.
Steve Gresham – CEO, The Execution Project
David Lau – Founder & CEO, DPL Financial Partners
Michelle Rappa – Managing Director, Retirement Client Advisor, Neuberger Berman

B: The E.P.I.C. Retirement – Becoming Your Clients Retirement Coach
Mitch Anthony has been challenging and inspiring people around the world for close to 20 years with his unique insights into the pitfalls of traditional retirement. Mitch will inspire and ignite participants and share a sample of the presentation that is garnering great reviews. Audience members will walk away from this exciting presentation with a new outlook (and vision) of what retirement is.
Mitch Anthony – Co-Founder, ROL Advisor
3:50 pm – 4:40 pm
Breakout Session X
A: The Disturbing and Provocative Future of Financial Advice
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
Disruption looms for providers of financial advice. Policies, procedures, regulations abound but clients expect simplicity and clarity – and answers. A respected industry innovator leads a panel of disruptors-in-action.
Jud Mackrill – CEO & Co-founder, MileMarker
Ross Levin – CEO and Founder, Accredited Investors Wealth Management®
Tommy Martin – Mammoth CEO & Operating Manager and Vestia Personal Wealth Advisors CEO
Amanda Stahl – Director, Longevity Planning, Raymond James
B: Study Group: Centralized Service and Client Experience
1 Hour / CFP Board and I&WI CE Credits
Wealth management and retirement need the support of both human and digital capabilities. But how to decide what is automated and what work is done by advisors? There is complexity to the problem – and also to the solutions. Listen in and participate as the team works on the roles needed to better engage clients and advisors.
Kabir Sethi – Managing Director, Head of Digital for Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Cheryl Nash – CEO, InvestCloud Financial Supermarket Division
Roger Paradiso – Head of Product Solutions, Franklin Templeton
Phil Pellegrino – Executive Director, Head of Insured Solutions, UBS Financial Services, Inc.
4:45 pm – 5:15 pm
Focused Forward: A Pioneer’s Tale
A pioneer and a visionary, the former CEO of LPL has built his next chapter in venture capital and now a SPAC. Hear what Mark Casady is looking at now, what he sees for the future of retirement investing, healthcare, data and technology.
Mark Casady – Founder & General Partner, Vestigo Ventures